Rebrand Reveal: Midland Child Advocacy Center


We are thrilled to unveil the new logo and website design for Midland Child Advocacy Center (CAC), a project that has been close to our hearts. This rebrand marks a significant milestone for an organization that has been a cornerstone of child protection and advocacy in Midland County since 1979.

Originally founded as the Midland County Child Protection Council and later known as Safe & Sound Child Advocacy Center, the organization has continually evolved to better serve the community. The recent name change to Midland Child Advocacy Center aims to provide clarity and accessibility for families, partner agencies, donors, sponsors, and legislators. The new name succinctly conveys their mission and services, reinforcing their commitment to child abuse prevention and intervention.

Designing a Safe, Welcoming Space

When Midland CAC approached us for their rebrand, they wanted a logo that embodied their mission to prevent child abuse and neglect while also creating a welcoming, non-intimidating environment for children. We retained their classic black, white, and lime green color scheme but brightened the lime for better contrast and added a vibrant cobalt blue, the nationally recognized color for child abuse prevention.

Incorporating the pinwheel—an uplifting symbol for child abuse prevention—into the logo design was a key request. The pinwheel not only represents hope, happiness, and the return to the innocence of childhood but also adds a touch of whimsy, making the center feel safe and welcoming for the kids who visit.

Approachable and Professional

Choosing the right font was crucial. We needed something approachable and readable, yet professional. The selected font strikes a balance, ensuring that the center feels like a safe haven rather than a daunting institution. This choice underscores Midland CAC's dedication to making every child feel secure and valued.

Versatile and Functional Design

The logo suite includes a horizontal, circle, and icon versions—to ensure versatility across different platforms, from signage and merchandise to digital media. This flexibility is essential for maintaining a consistent brand presence in all communications.

Building the New Website

We built the informational website on Squarespace, incorporating all elements of the new brand guide. The site is user-friendly, with an "Exit site quickly" button that allows users in danger to swiftly change their current tab to a search engine and open a new tab to a popular shopping site. This feature enhances safety for visitors who might need to leave the site quickly.

The website also includes a blog-style "news and resources" page, serving as an archive for events and milestones while sharing valuable resources for families. This page will be a hub of information, ensuring the community stays informed about the center's activities and available support.

Looking Ahead

Kevin Heye, Executive Director at Midland Child Advocacy Center, expressed excitement about the organization's future and the impact of the rebrand. "We are excited for what the future has in store for our organization and the people we serve. We cannot do this alone; it takes everyone in the community to make sure all children are safe and have a trusted adult they can talk to."

This summer, Midland CAC will celebrate 45 years of protecting families in Midland County with a formal ribbon-cutting event on August 7th at 4:00 pm at their location on 2716 Jefferson Ave. The updated branding will be publicly unveiled during the event, and all are welcome to attend.

Working on the rebrand for Midland Child Advocacy Center has been a very fulfilling experience. The new logo and website not only reflect the organization's mission but also create a welcoming, hopeful space for children and families. We are proud to support Midland CAC in their crucial work and look forward to seeing the positive impact of these changes in the community.


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