What is creativity Coaching?
Creativity coaching is a conversational exchange between two creative people. Creative brains work differently, and sometimes all you need is another brain to get new perspective and elevate your ideas, or help you work your way out of a creative slump.
It is not therapy, counseling, social media training, business development, or art school. It’s not a quick fix or a fast track to solve all your problems. You have to be ready to make changes if you want creativity coaching to benefit you.
Are you ready to get out of your own way to live your best creative life? Creativity coaching helps you get from where you are, to where you want to be, by looking at what stepping stones need to be put in place to bridge the gap. Once those stones are in place, it’s up to you to do the work.
“Creativity coaching helped me focus on some long term goals and the little steps needed to reach those goals. The accountability and encouragement, as well as the life experience from an established artist, is invaluable.
My biggest takeaway was that I am not alone on my journey. Others have gone the same pathway and there’s always room to grow.”
One-On-One E-Coaching
The perfect format for the artist who likes to think about their words, has a busy or varied schedule, and enjoys the flexibility of digital interactions. All coaching will take place via email.
How it works:
Purchase your package for an eight week session, using the link below.
Once you reserve your session, I will email you an initial questionnaire to start the process. This may take up to two business days.
We will work on identifying and meeting specific, attainable goals over this eight week period.
You will receive a digital workbook, with long term and weekly goal sheets, you may choose to print out to help you organize your thoughts and goals through this process.
You can email me as much as you like during these eight weeks, I will reply a minimum of once a week, but will try to be available as needed.
This option now has a CUSTOM START DATE per person. Your start date will vary based on availability. If you would like to discuss your custom start date before making this purchase please contact me and we can discuss.
Cost: $400

GROUP E-Coaching
The next Group Creativity Coaching session will run when I have a minimum of four interested artists. It will take place in a private Facebook group with your creative peers. Being able to talk about your struggles and goals is a MUST, so if you’re not into the group setting, check out the one-on-one option above.
How it works:
Purchase your package for an eight week session, using the link below. This link will show you all available time slots.
Once you reserve your session, I will send you a link to the private Facebook group. I will set up the group up a week before we start and include instructions on how to adjust settings to see all my posts.
We will work on identifying and meeting specific, attainable goals over this eight week period.
You will receive a digital workbook, with long term and weekly goal sheets, you may choose to print out to help you organize your thoughts and goals through this process.
You can post in the group as much as you like during these eight weeks, I will do my best to reply within 1-2 days to all messages.

What can we talk about?
Creative ideas you have, but aren’t sure how to move forward.
Mental blocks that are slowing your creative efforts.
Growth mindset that will support your creativity.
Building confidence in your abilities, shutting down impostor syndrome.
Developing systems or routines that will support your creative life.
How to connect the dots between different ideas.
Whatever other topics are on your mind related to creative living.
Hi, I’m Annie. I am a working artist, entrepreneur, mother of two, who understands the necessity of community with other creatives. I’ve been graphic designer since 2008 and I love to paint. I am a deeply empathetic Ennegram 4w5 and an INFP, if you’re interested in personality tests. I love big dreams and I love solving problems. I would love to be your creativity coach.

Join the free Art is a Record Creatives Community on Facebook for support, a place to ask questions, share what you're working on, and be inspired. It is a place where we can share with confidence and encourage each other to grow.